Houdini VDB Painter
mbPainter for Sidefx Houdini is an Artist Friendly Set of Tools for interactive Manipulation of OpenVDB (www.openvdb.org) SDF Volumes. It includes 3 Basic Modes. Brush Tools (BT), Mesh Fusion (MT) and Filter Tools (FT). Everything works on one Node and Binary Data gets stored within the Digital Asset. It enables Artists to use all the OpenVDB Tools Interactively within Houdini’s Viewport.
Main Features
– Full Interactive Workflow from one SOP. (Binary Data is stored within the Asset)
– Sculpting Tool Operations with Autocaching and Mari Styled Bake Function.
– 8+ Generic Brush Operations (Airbrush, Cutter, Erasor, Smooth, Soft Add/Remove, Spliner, Buildup)
– Global Mirrored Paint and Mesh Fusion.
– Fully Integrated Interactive VDB Combiner within the Viewport (Mesh Fusion): Add, Remove and Inverted mode.
– Voxel Resolution Resample on the fly at any time.
– Support for Custom User Inputs in all Context.
– Custom User Input for Projection Painting.
– Basic Filter Tools: Noise, Blur and Smooth
Tech Demo
Download & Documentation:
Check out the README.md. In general you can just load up the asset and it should work. If you want to permanently Install it edit your houdini.env. Refer to the Houdini Help. For a quick permanent Installation with the Shelf and Icon you can copy the content into your houdini home directory. it will need the content of /toolbar , /otls, and /icons. On the next start of Houdini you should be able to add a new Shelf called VDB Painter that includes the mbPainter tool with 2 Scripted Shelf Tools from the qLib that allow to turn off Guides and switch the Houdini Background.

A lot of thought and work went into the Paramter Window. It is simplified and allows quick access to all needed Parameters. Switching between the 3 Modes works with Buttons therefor only Active Parameters will be Shown.